Which of the following is NOT something a geographer can explain to a historian?

A.why people populated certain areas
B.how people change their environment
C.how the environment changes people
D.why people like other people
I know is D but i need accurate answer

well, A might be because of a river or something

B might show a lake because of a dam.
C might show an island where people eat mostly fish
D - It is hard to say why some people like other people based on if they live on rivers or build dams or catch fish.

ugh. am confused

Everything but D can be predicted from a map.

However nothing on a map will show you who likes who else.

thanks lot. Hey in case i need more help is their any where i can write to you for help if you don't mind

Sorry, no. I am not around that much. Post here because there are lots of people who can help.

Thanks then

You are welcome.

Westward expansion in the 19th century is an example of which theme of geography?

To determine which of the options is not something a geographer can explain to a historian, we need to understand the focus of each discipline.

Geography primarily studies the spatial distribution of phenomena and the relationships between people and their environment. Historians, on the other hand, examine past events, cultural developments, and human actions over time.

A. Why people populated certain areas: Geographers can explain this by studying factors such as resources, climate, terrain, and transportation routes that influenced human settlement patterns.

B. How people change their environment: Geographers study how people modify and impact their surroundings through activities such as agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, and infrastructure development. This understanding can help historians comprehend changes in human settlements and societies.

C. How the environment changes people: Geographers can analyze how environmental conditions, such as climate, natural disasters, and access to resources, shape human behaviors, cultures, and societal development.

D. Why people like other people: This option relates more to social interactions, relationships, and individual preferences, which fall more under the realm of psychology and anthropology than geography.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. A geographer may not be able to provide insights on why people like other people, as it pertains more to psychological and sociological aspects of individuals and relationships.