A number cube is rolled three times what is the probability of the sequence even,even,odd?

The probability of all events occurring is found by multiplying the probabilities of the individual events.

3/6 * 3/6 * 3/6 = ?

To find the probability of getting the sequence "even, even, odd" when rolling a number cube three times, we first need to determine the total number of possible outcomes.

A number cube has 6 sides, numbered from 1 to 6. Therefore, each roll of the number cube has 6 possible outcomes. Since we are rolling the cube three times, the total number of possible outcomes is 6 x 6 x 6 = 216.

Now, let's look at the specific sequence "even, even, odd".

The probability of getting an even number on a number cube is 3 out of 6 (since there are 3 even numbers: 2, 4, and 6). Therefore, the probability of getting an even number on the first roll is 3/6.

Similarly, the probability of getting an even number on the second roll is also 3/6.

Now, the probability of getting an odd number on the number cube is 3 out of 6 (since there are 3 odd numbers: 1, 3, and 5). Therefore, the probability of getting an odd number on the third roll is also 3/6.

To find the probability of the sequence "even, even, odd," we multiply the probabilities of each event together:

(3/6) x (3/6) x (3/6) = 27/216

Simplifying the fraction, we get 1/8.

Therefore, the probability of rolling the sequence "even, even, odd" is 1/8, or approximately 0.125.