your mother gave you $13.32 with which to buy a present.This covered 3/5 of the much did the present cost?

can someone please help me and also show me how to solve this?

can someone please help me with this question?And can someone also teach me step by step how to solve this question???Please???

(3/5)x = 13.32

Change 3/5 to its equivalent decimal.

0.6x = 13.32

x = 13.32 / 0.6

x = 22.20

thank you

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with this problem and show you how to solve it!

We have been given that your mother gave you $13.32, which is equivalent to 3/5 of the total cost of the present. Let's denote the total cost of the present as "x" dollars.

To find the cost of the present, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

$13.32 / x = 3/5

To solve this proportion, we'll cross multiply:

5 * $13.32 = 3 * x

Now, let's calculate:

$66.60 = 3 * x

To isolate "x," we need to divide both sides of the equation by 3:

$66.60 / 3 = x

Simplifying the right side, we get:

$22.20 = x

Therefore, the present costs $22.20.

To summarize the steps:

1. Set up a proportion using the given information: $13.32 / x = 3/5
2. Cross multiply: 5 * $13.32 = 3 * x
3. Simplify: $66.60 = 3 * x
4. Divide both sides by 3: $66.60 / 3 = x
5. Simplify: $22.20 = x

So, the present costs $22.20.