Who is the intended audience for the poem Flesh and Spirit by Anne Bradstreet? I also need an example of contemporary relevance for the poem. Help please?

To determine the intended audience for the poem "Flesh and Spirit" by Anne Bradstreet, we need to consider both the historical context and the themes addressed in the poem. "Flesh and Spirit" was written in the 17th century by Anne Bradstreet, who was one of the first published American poets. As a Puritan writer, Bradstreet often explored theological and spiritual subjects in her poetry.

In the case of "Flesh and Spirit," the poem revolves around a conversation between two allegorical figures, Flesh and Spirit, representing earthly desires and spiritual yearnings respectively. The poem delves into the ongoing struggle between tangible, worldly desires and the desire for spiritual fulfillment.

Given the poem's religious and reflective nature, the intended audience for "Flesh and Spirit" would likely be readers with a background or interest in religious or spiritual matters. During Bradstreet's time, her audience would largely consist of fellow Puritans or devotees of Christian literature.

However, when considering the contemporary relevance of this poem, we can find that the themes addressed by Bradstreet still resonate today. Many people continue to grapple with the tension between pursuing material desires and seeking spiritual fulfillment. Therefore, the poem can be meaningful to a broader audience, including individuals interested in exploring the complexities of human nature, the pursuit of deeper meaning, and the struggle to find balance in life.

To further support the contemporary relevance, one example could be the enduring popularity of spiritual and self-help literature. Books addressing topics such as mindfulness, meditation, and introspection often tackle similar themes to those explored in "Flesh and Spirit." This suggests that there is an ongoing interest in understanding and resolving the conflicts between the desires of the flesh and the yearnings of the spirit.

In conclusion, the intended audience for Anne Bradstreet's "Flesh and Spirit" would have been primarily religious and spiritually inclined readers during her time. However, the poem still holds relevance today due to its exploration of universal themes, making it appealing to a broader audience interested in grappling with the balance between worldly desires and spiritual aspirations.