it takes Lucy 7 minues to cut a 20 yard by 1-yard roll of fabric into 14 equal pieces. How many minutes would it ake her to cut the fabric into 25 equal pieces?

7/14 = 1/2 minute per piece

1/2 * 25 = 25/2 = 12 1/2 minutes for 25 pieces

To solve this problem, we need to find the time it takes Lucy to cut 1 piece of fabric. We can then use that information to determine how long it would take to cut the fabric into 25 equal pieces.

First, let's calculate the length of each piece when cutting the fabric into 14 equal pieces. We divide the total length of the fabric (20 yards) by the number of pieces (14): 20 yards / 14 pieces = 1.428 yards.

Now, we know that Lucy takes 7 minutes to cut the fabric into 14 equal pieces. Therefore, it takes her 7 minutes to cut a length of 1.428 yards.

To find out how long it would take for Lucy to cut the fabric into 25 equal pieces, we can set up a proportion:

7 minutes / 1.428 yards = x minutes / 1 yard

We can then solve for x to find the time it would take to cut 1 yard of fabric into 25 equal pieces:

x = (7 minutes / 1.428 yards) * 1 yard

The units of yards cancel out, leaving us with:

x = 7 minutes * (1 / 1.428)

Evaluating that expression, we find:

x = 4.89 minutes (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, it would take Lucy approximately 4.89 minutes to cut the fabric into 25 equal pieces.

25 times 4 is the man with purple eyes