What figure of speech is used in this statement: "Good Mistress Accost, I desire better acquaintance."

Read carefully:


What is Shakespeare's method of writing and how does it create humor. the quote Good Mistress Accost, I desire better acquaintance.

The figure of speech used in the statement, "Good Mistress Accost, I desire better acquaintance," is called apostrophe.

To identify the figure of speech, we need to understand what apostrophe means. Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which a person directly addresses someone who is absent or non-human, as if they were present and able to respond.

In the given statement, the speaker directly addresses someone named "Mistress Accost" and expresses their desire for better acquaintance. By using the term "Mistress Accost" and speaking directly to her, the speaker is personifying her as if she were physically there, even though she may not be. Hence, the figure of speech used here is apostrophe.