I have this project for facs (family and comsumer science) and I really need help.

UNIT: Personal Development
Topic: The One & Only You!
Lesson: The UNIQUE you!
Review Question
Due Date: 2/15/12

1. Identify - What are four (4) influences that give you a unique indentity?

2. List - What are three ways your family influences the person you become?

3. Explain - What effect do experience have on people?

4. Distinguish - What is the difference between inherited traits and acquired abilities?
Give two (2) examples of each.

5. Analyze - Choose a person you think of as a positive role model. Explain what you admire about this person.

6. List ten of you important characteristics.
- Decide what percentages (%) of these traits are inherited.
- Decide what percentages (%)have been acquired with help from other people.
- Decide what percentages (%) are little bit of both.


My facs teacher said that I have to write them in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Please help me, can you explain for each number what am I supose to do so that way I can understand it better to do this project.

Laruen, only you know yourself well enough to answer these questions.

1. How are you different from most other people? What has caused you to be unique?

I can't simplify the others any more than your teacher has.

I know this is for ME to answer it just I got a little confused and was struggling.

But thanks anyways for trying to help me, now I'm starting to understand it.

1. Identify - What are four (4) influences that give you a unique identity?

To complete this question, you need to think about the various factors that contribute to your unique identity. These influences can be aspects of your personality, experiences, or background. Start by brainstorming four influences that you believe play a significant role in shaping who you are as an individual. Write a complete sentence for each influence, explaining how it contributes to your unique identity. For example:

- One influence that gives me a unique identity is my cultural background. Growing up in a multicultural household has exposed me to different traditions, languages, and perspectives, which have helped shape my worldview and values.

2. List - What are three ways your family influences the person you become?

In this question, you need to consider the ways in which your family has influenced your personal development. Think about the values, beliefs, and behaviors that have been passed down to you through your family. List three specific ways your family has influenced who you have become. Write complete sentences for each way, explaining how your family has played a role in shaping you. For example:

- One way my family has influenced the person I have become is by instilling a strong work ethic. Growing up, I witnessed my parents' dedication and perseverance in their careers, which taught me the importance of hard work and commitment.

3. Explain - What effect do experiences have on people?

For this question, you need to reflect on the impact that experiences have on individuals. Consider how different situations or events can shape a person's beliefs, perspectives, and personal growth. Write a complete sentence explaining the effect that experiences have on people, providing some examples or anecdotes to support your statement. For example:

- Experiences have a profound effect on people as they provide opportunities for learning, growth, and self-discovery. For instance, traveling to different countries and immersing oneself in different cultures can broaden one's understanding of the world and foster a sense of empathy and open-mindedness.

4. Distinguish - What is the difference between inherited traits and acquired abilities? Give two (2) examples of each.

To answer this question, you need to differentiate between inherited traits (genetic characteristics passed down from parents) and acquired abilities (skills or talents developed through learning and practice). Provide a clear explanation of the difference between the two concepts and offer two examples of each. Write complete sentences for your explanations. For example:

- Inherited traits are traits that are passed down through genes from parents to offspring. These traits are determined by genetic factors and include physical characteristics like eye color and height. An example of an inherited trait is having a predisposition towards certain diseases, such as diabetes or asthma.

- Acquired abilities, on the other hand, are skills or talents that are learned or developed over time through practice, education, or experience. These abilities are not determined by genetics but are acquired through effort and dedication. An example of an acquired ability is learning to play a musical instrument or becoming proficient in a foreign language.

5. Analyze - Choose a person you think of as a positive role model. Explain what you admire about this person.

In this question, you are required to select a person you consider as a positive role model and articulate the qualities or attributes you admire in them. Think about someone who has influenced you positively and write a complete sentence explaining what you admire about them. Support your statement with specific qualities, actions, or values that inspire you. For example:

- I consider my teacher, Ms. Johnson, as a positive role model. I admire her passion for teaching and her dedication to her students' success. She goes above and beyond to ensure that each student feels supported and encouraged to reach their full potential, and her enthusiasm for learning is truly inspiring.

6. List ten of your important characteristics. Decide what percentages (%) of these traits are inherited. Decide what percentages (%) have been acquired with help from other people. Decide what percentages (%) are a little bit of both. DRAW A PIE CHART SHOWING YOUR RESULTS.

For the last question, you need to create a list of ten important characteristics that define you as an individual. These characteristics can include personality traits, skills, values, or beliefs. Once you have listed ten characteristics, you will assign percentages to indicate how much of each characteristic you believe is inherited, acquired with help from others, or a combination of both. For example:

- Creative: 30% inherited, 50% acquired with help from others, 20% a little bit of both
- Determined: 40% inherited, 30% acquired with help from others, 30% a little bit of both
- Caring: 50% inherited, 20% acquired with help from others, 30% a little bit of both

After assigning percentages to each characteristic, you will use this data to create a pie chart that visually represents the distribution of these traits in your life. The pie chart will show the proportions of the characteristics that are inherited, acquired with help from others, or a combination of both.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you understand what each question is asking so you can complete your project.

1. Identify - What are four (4) influences that give you a unique identity?
In this question, you need to think about what factors or influences make you who you are. These can be things like your cultural background, personal interests and hobbies, friends and social circle, or even your educational experiences. You should list four different influences that contribute to your unique identity.

Example answer: Some possible influences that give me a unique identity are my cultural background, my passion for art, my close group of friends, and my involvement in community service.

2. List - What are three ways your family influences the person you become?
Here, you need to consider how your family has shaped you and influenced your personal development. Think about the values, beliefs, and traditions that your family has instilled in you, as well as any specific roles or responsibilities they have given you.

Example answer: Three ways my family influences the person I become are by teaching me the importance of honesty and integrity, encouraging me to pursue my goals, and providing a supportive and nurturing environment.

3. Explain - What effect do experiences have on people?
For this question, you should think about how different experiences, both positive and negative, can impact an individual's personal development and shape their character. Consider how experiences can teach life lessons, provide opportunities for growth, or influence attitudes and beliefs.

Example answer: Experiences have a profound effect on people as they help us learn and grow. Positive experiences can provide a sense of achievement, build confidence, and shape our values, while negative experiences can teach us resilience, empathy, and problem-solving skills.

4. Distinguish - What is the difference between inherited traits and acquired abilities? Give two (2) examples of each.
Here, you need to understand the distinction between traits or characteristics that are inherited from your parents (like physical features or genetic predispositions) and abilities that you develop or learn through experiences or education.

Example answer:
- Inherited traits: Eye color and height are examples of inherited traits because they are determined by our genes and passed down from our parents.
- Acquired abilities: Playing a musical instrument or speaking a foreign language are examples of acquired abilities because they are learned and developed through practice and education.

5. Analyze - Choose a person you think of as a positive role model. Explain what you admire about this person.
In this question, you are asked to think about someone you look up to and admire as a role model. Explain the qualities or characteristics that you find admirable about this person and how they have influenced your own personal development.

Example answer: I think of my grandmother as a positive role model because she embodies qualities such as kindness, perseverance, and selflessness. I admire how she always puts others before herself and has taught me the importance of compassion and helping those in need.

6. List ten of your important characteristics. Decide what percentages (%) of these traits are inherited. Decide what percentages (%) have been acquired with help from other people. Decide what percentages (%) are a little bit of both. DRAW A PIE CHART SHOWING YOUR RESULTS.
In this question, you need to list ten important characteristics that define who you are. Then, you should determine what percentage of each characteristic is inherited (genetic), acquired with help from other people (learned or influenced by others), or a combination of both. Finally, you will create a pie chart to visually represent your results.

Example answer:
Characteristics: Kindness, creativity, determination, empathy, leadership, sense of humor, patience, organization, open-mindedness, resilience.

Example breakdown:
- Kindness: 30% inherited, 40% acquired with help, 30% a little bit of both
- Creativity: 25% inherited, 60% acquired with help, 15% a little bit of both
- Determination: 40% inherited, 30% acquired with help, 30% a little bit of both
- Empathy: 20% inherited, 50% acquired with help, 30% a little bit of both
- Leadership: 30% inherited, 35% acquired with help, 35% a little bit of both
- Sense of humor: 50% inherited, 20% acquired with help, 30% a little bit of both
- Patience: 35% inherited, 25% acquired with help, 40% a little bit of both
- Organization: 15% inherited, 65% acquired with help, 20% a little bit of both
- Open-mindedness: 10% inherited, 80% acquired with help, 10% a little bit of both
- Resilience: 25% inherited, 40% acquired with help, 35% a little bit of both

You can then use these percentages to create a pie chart to visually represent the breakdown of your characteristics.

I hope this explanation helps you with your FACS project! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Good luck!