Conditional positive regard can be damaging because _______________.


A. the negative responses of others can lower self-esteem

B. there are limitations placed on the creative personality

C. anxiety is produced by the discrepancy between real self and the expectations of others

D. change cannot occur

Is Carl Rodgers making a comeback? Carl would have said C. As a teacher, you have each year a few "teacher pleasers", who go to great lengths to please the teacher. These kids are in great need of praise and acceptance, mainly because of suffered through conditional positive regards from parents: the kids only got acceptance if they did what parents approved of.

C. anxiety is produced by the discrepancy between real self and the expectations of others

The correct answer is A. The negative responses of others can lower self-esteem.

Conditional positive regard refers to receiving love, acceptance, or approval from others only when certain conditions are met. When individuals experience conditional positive regard, it means that they are only valued and validated when they meet the expectations or conditions set by others. This can have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem.

When people constantly strive to meet the expectations of others and fear the negative responses that may arise if they fall short, it can lead to a decrease in self-esteem. The fear of rejection or disapproval can create anxiety, stress, and a constant need for validation. Over time, this can damage one's self-confidence and self-worth. Additionally, when individuals are constantly seeking approval from others, they may neglect their own needs and desires, leading to unhappiness and frustration.

In summary, conditional positive regard can be damaging because the negative responses of others can lower self-esteem, leading to anxiety and a discrepancy between the real self and the expectations of others.