Okay, i know that this is a sad subject, but i'm getting confused. Was the Nurember Law written on August 20th, or September 1st 1935? Or did the meeting start on August 20th 1935 and ended September 1st 1935??

Any help would be nice...thanks.

The actual Nuremberg Laws are dated September 15, 1935.



The meeting started August 15 and the details of the Laws were worked out by Sept. 1. The Laws were announced on September 15 at a Nuremberg Rally, and took effect the next day.

Thank you both!

You're very welcome.

The Nuremberg Laws were a set of anti-Semitic laws enacted by Nazi Germany in the mid-1930s. To answer your question, the Nuremberg Laws were actually announced and put into effect on September 15, 1935.

However, there were events that occurred before the announcement of the Nuremberg Laws. The Nuremberg Rally, which was a massive Nazi Party rally, took place in Nuremberg, Germany from August 30 to September 3, 1935. During this rally, Adolf Hitler outlined the idea of the Nuremberg Laws, which were formalized and announced later on September 15, 1935.

To find accurate and reliable information about historical events like these, it is always beneficial to consult reputable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites specializing in history. These sources usually provide detailed timelines and accurate information about specific events, people, and laws.