during the first part of a canoe trip the canoe travels 71 miles at a certain speed. The canoe travels 7 miles on the second part of the trip at a speed 5mph slower. The total time of the trip is 3 hours. what are the speed in each part of the trip?

slower speed --- x mph

faster speed ---- x+5 mph

time for 1st trip (faster speed) = 71/(x+5)
time for 2nd trip = 7/x

7/x + 71/(x+5) = 3
times x(x+5)
7(x+5) + 71x = 3x(x+5)
7x + 35 + 71x = 3x^2 + 15x
3x^2 -63x - 35 = 0

x = (63 ± √4389)/6
= 21.54 or a negative

He canoed at 21.54 and 26.54 MPH !!!!?????

Totally ridiculous question.
I have canoed all my life and there is no person in the world who can canoe at 26 mph
78 miles in 3 hours in a canoe ???
How absurd.