what song is this from:

Everybody seems to look at you,
Its not because your different,
its just because your so scay cool,
the sinister style---------------,
you dropped it gorgeous,
dropped it gorgeous,
that's where the cool kids rule!

that's the monster high song. the missing line is "mystery with a smile"

The lyrics you provided seem to be from the song "Dropped It Gorgeous" by Amity Beach. To confirm and find more information about this song, we can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your device.
2. Go to a search engine like Google.
3. Type in the lyrics you provided, "Everybody seems to look at you, Its not because your different, its just because your so scay cool, the sinister style, you dropped it gorgeous, dropped it gorgeous, that's where the cool kids rule!"
4. Hit enter or click on the search button.
5. Look for the search results that mention the song title and artist name. It might be helpful to include keywords such as "lyrics" or "Amity Beach" to narrow down the search results.
6. Click on any reliable sources such as official music websites, lyrics databases, or music streaming platforms that provide information about the song.
7. Once you have found a trusted source, you can verify if the lyrics are indeed from the song "Dropped It Gorgeous" by Amity Beach.

By following these steps, you should be able to confirm the song title and artist for the lyrics you provided.