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A drying agent is a substance used to remove water or moisture from a system, typically in chemistry or industrial processes. It helps to lower the water content and maintain a dry environment. Common examples of drying agents include silica gel, calcium chloride, anhydrous magnesium sulfate, and molecular sieves.

Deliquescent substances are hygroscopic substances that have the ability to absorb moisture from the surrounding environment until they eventually dissolve or "deliquesce." They have a strong affinity for water and can draw moisture from the air, causing them to become wet or even dissolve completely. Some examples of deliquescent substances include calcium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide.

Hygroscopic substances are materials that tend to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Unlike deliquescent substances, they may not dissolve in the absorbed water. Instead, they simply retain the moisture or become damp. These substances have high water-vapor-absorbing properties and are commonly used in applications such as food preservation, humidity control, and pharmaceutical industries. Examples of hygroscopic substances include sugar, salt, and certain types of plastics.

Efflorescent substances are compounds that contain water within their crystal structure. When exposed to a dry environment, these substances lose their water of hydration, resulting in the formation of white powdery deposits on their surface. This process is known as efflorescence. Efflorescent substances are often found in minerals and salts, such as gypsum and washing soda.

To find the definitions of these terms, you can utilize various reliable sources like textbooks, scientific literature, or reputable online resources such as chemistry websites, dictionaries, or educational platforms. These sources can provide thorough explanations of these concepts and their applications.