As a result of the mexican war, the

united states

a. gained mexican territory
b. won $ million from mexico
c. lost california to mexico
d. let texas became part of mexico

I'll be glad to check your answer.

They offered $30 million for the mexican territories of california and new mexico

Which choice do you think is right?


I suggest you read your book and the site I posted. You don't learn anything by guessing.

As a result of the Mexican War, the United States gained Mexican territory. To reach this conclusion, we can look into historical records and information about the Mexican-American War.

The Mexican-American War took place between 1846 and 1848. It was primarily fought over territorial disputes between the United States and Mexico. The conflict began after the United States annexed Texas in 1845, a move that Mexico strongly opposed.

To answer your question, we can eliminate option c: "lost California to Mexico" since California was actually one of the territories that the United States gained as a result of the war.

Now let's consider option b: "won $ million from Mexico." This option is not directly related to the outcome of the war, as it suggests a financial gain rather than territorial acquisition.

Finally, option d: "let Texas became part of Mexico" is incorrect. Prior to the war, Texas had already achieved independence from Mexico and had become part of the United States.

This leaves us with option a: "gained Mexican territory" as the correct answer. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in 1848, officially ended the war and resulted in Mexico ceding territories to the United States. Under the terms of the treaty, Mexico agreed to cede present-day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and parts of Texas to the United States.

So, the correct answer is a. The United States gained Mexican territory as a result of the Mexican War.