in the story rip van winkle describe the great drror in rip's chraracter

so is the answer that his farm and home fall into a dissray Ms. Sue

Yes. Rip was lazy and didn't like to work.

In the story "Rip Van Winkle," there is a significant character flaw known as the "great error" in Rip's character. To understand this flaw, we need to analyze Rip's behavior and actions throughout the story.

To start, the great error in Rip's character is characterized by his tendency to avoid responsibility and escape from the challenges of life. Rip is portrayed as a lazy and idle man who neglects his duties as a husband, father, and member of society. Instead of taking care of his family and fulfilling his responsibilities, he often seeks solace in nature and spends his time drinking and socializing with his friends. This habit of evading responsibility and procrastinating ultimately leads to negative consequences for him and those around him.

The most striking example of Rip's great error is when he chooses to venture into the mountains with his dog, Wolf, instead of doing his chores or spending time with his family. He encounters a group of supernatural beings playing nine-pins and, being a curious man, decides to join them. Unbeknownst to him, he falls into a deep sleep and wakes up twenty years later, having missed a significant portion of his life.

This great error in Rip's character illustrates his tendency to escape reality and avoid the difficulties and challenges that confront him. It serves as a critique of his idleness and the consequences that come from neglecting one's responsibilities.

To summarize, the great error in Rip's character is his inclination to evade responsibility and escape from the challenges of life, as seen in his neglect of his family and his choice to wander into the mountains instead of fulfilling his obligations.