You have 33 marbles in total. you have 4 times as many red marbles as green marbles. you have one half as many blue marbles as green marbles. How many blue marbles do you have?


2g = b

sure you don't have 35 marbles?

5 green
10 blue
20 red

To find out the number of blue marbles, we'll first need to determine the number of green and red marbles.

Let's assign variables for the number of green, red, and blue marbles:
- Let's call the number of green marbles "G."
- The number of red marbles will be four times the number of green marbles, so we can say it is "4G."
- The number of blue marbles will be half the number of green marbles, so let's call it "0.5G."

We know that the total number of marbles is 33. We can express this as the sum of the three types of marbles:
G + 4G + 0.5G = 33

To solve this equation, we need to combine like terms:
5.5G = 33

Next, we can solve for G by dividing both sides of the equation by 5.5:
G = 33 / 5.5
G = 6

So, the number of green marbles is 6.

To find the number of blue marbles, substitute the value of G (which is 6) into the expression for blue marbles:
0.5G = 0.5 * 6
0.5G = 3

Therefore, you have 3 blue marbles.