An airplane takes off from an airport at 7:00 a.m. traveling at a rate of 350 mi/h. Two hours later, a jet takes off from the same airport following the same flight pattern at 490 mi/h. How long would it take for the two planes to meet each other?


To find out how long it would take for the two planes to meet each other, we can use a simple formula: Distance = Rate × Time.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

1. The first airplane takes off from the airport at 7:00 a.m., so it has a head start. By the time the second plane takes off, the first plane has already been flying for 2 hours.

2. Now, let's determine the distance that the first airplane travels during those 2 hours. Since its speed is 350 mi/h, we can calculate the distance using the formula: Distance = Rate × Time. In this case, the time is 2 hours, so the distance is 350 mi/h × 2 h = 700 miles.

3. Now, we need to find the remaining distance that the two planes need to cover to meet each other. Let's call this distance "D." Since the second plane is traveling at 490 mi/h and they are moving towards each other, the combined speed of both planes is 350 mi/h + 490 mi/h = 840 mi/h. Therefore, we can write the equation: D = 840 mi/h × Time.

4. To find the time it takes for the two planes to cover the remaining distance and meet each other, we can plug in the distance that the first plane already covered and solve for Time. We have: D = 840 mi/h × Time, and D = 700 miles.

Substituting the values into the equation, we get: 700 miles = 840 mi/h × Time. Rearranging the equation, we have: Time = 700 miles / 840 mi/h.

5. Dividing 700 miles by 840 mi/h gives us the time it takes for the second plane to cover the remaining distance and meet the first plane.

Time = 700 miles / 840 mi/h ≈ 0.833 hours.

Therefore, it would take approximately 0.833 hours, or 50 minutes, for the two planes to meet each other.