Round 129.4 to one significant figure?

Round 0.0056 to one significant figure?
Please help thanks

To round a number to one significant figure, you need to look at the first non-zero digit from the left.

In the case of 129.4, the first non-zero digit is 1. To round to one significant figure, you only keep the first non-zero digit and remove all the other digits that follow it. Therefore, rounding 129.4 to one significant figure gives us 100.

In the case of 0.0056, the first non-zero digit is 5. Again, we keep the first non-zero digit and remove all the other digits that follow it. Rounding 0.0056 to one significant figure gives us 0.005.

So, rounding 129.4 to one significant figure is 100, and rounding 0.0056 to one significant figure is 0.005.