Here is the very last part! I've finished it! My next homework will be on history, literature and grammar again!!!!

Work stage I
- Courses in English and ICT
- Evaluation and analysis of activities and attitudes
Work stage II:
- Working out the theoretical framework and
research designs/arrangements
- Documentation on web site
Work stage III:
- Field studies: collection of specimen in the local
natural parks
- Preparing participations in natural parks
- Evaluation of the outcomes
Second meeting: (Italy 6-10 May)
- Analysis of specimens
- Press information of the local press
- Cultural program: "Solving problems together"
Work stage IV:
- Documentation of analyses led in Italy
- Evaluation of the activities and attitudes
- Publication on web site
- Summary of the first project year and interim
report/film part I
- Evaluation of attitudes and satisfaction.
monitoring to verify the projects' state
- Press information first year
Work stage V:
- Producing visitor material/presentation for
natural parks
- If possible: Participating in an environmental day
Third meeting:
- Presenting materials the other participants and
school community
- Collecting and analyzing specimen of
Marais Poitevin
- Cultural program: Planning the future together -
Activities in Futuroscope in Poitiers
Work Stage VI:
- Documentation of the activities led in France
- Publication on websites
- Preparing the final report/film


Work stage I
- Courses in English and ICT
- Evaluation and analysis of activities and attitudes
Work stage II:
- Working out the theoretical framework and research designs/arrangements
- Documentation on website
Work stage III:
- Field studies: collection of specimens in the local natural parks
- Preparing participation activities in natural parks
- Evaluation of the outcomes

Second meeting: (Italy 6-10 May)
- Analysis of specimens
- Press information of the local publicity
- Cultural program: "Solving problems together"

Work stage IV:
- Documentation of analyses led in Italy
- Evaluation of the activities and attitudes of ___________________ [??]
- Publication on website
- Summary of the first project year and interim report/film part I
- Evaluation of attitudes and satisfaction monitoring to verify the current state of the projects
- Press information for the first year

Work stage V:
- Producing visitor materials and presentations for natural parks
- If possible: Participating in an environmental day
Third meeting:
- Presenting materials for the other participants and school community
- Collecting and analyzing specimens from Marais Poitevin
- Cultural program: Planning the future together -
Activities in Futuroscope in Poitiers

Work Stage VI:
- Documentation of the activities taking place in France
- Publication on websites
- Preparation of the final report/film

To disseminate the results of the project, the following work stages and activities are planned:

1) Work stage I:
- Courses in English and ICT: This stage involves organizing and conducting courses to improve participants' English language and ICT skills.
- Evaluation and analysis of activities and attitudes: This involves assessing and analyzing the activities and attitudes of the participants during the initial stage of the project.

2) Work stage II:
- Working out the theoretical framework and research designs/arrangements: Participants will work on developing the theoretical framework and research designs necessary for the project.
- Documentation on the website: The project activities and progress will be documented on a website for easy access and reference.

3) Work stage III:
- Field studies: Collection of specimens in the local natural parks: Participants will visit local natural parks to collect specimens for their research.
- Preparing participations in natural parks: This involves preparing and organizing participation in activities or events held in the natural parks.
- Evaluation of the outcomes: The outcomes of the field studies will be evaluated to assess the success of the data collection process.

4) Second meeting (Italy 6-10 May):
- Analysis of specimens: The collected specimens will be analyzed during this meeting to gather insights and draw conclusions.
- Press information for the local press: A press release will be prepared to inform the local press about the project and its progress.
- Cultural program: "Solving problems together": A cultural program aimed at promoting collaboration and problem-solving will be organized during this meeting.

5) Work stage IV:
- Documentation of analyses led in Italy: The analysis results from the second meeting will be documented for reference.
- Evaluation of the activities and attitudes: The overall activities and attitudes of the participants will be evaluated.
- Publication on the website: The relevant information and outcomes of the project will be published on the project website.
- Summary of the first project year and interim report/film part I: A summary of the progress made in the first year of the project will be prepared, including an interim report or film.
- Evaluation of attitudes and satisfaction: The attitudes and satisfaction levels of the participants will be assessed, possibly through surveys or interviews.
- Monitoring to verify the project's state: Continuous monitoring will be carried out to ensure that the project is on track.
- Press information for the first year: A press release will be prepared to inform the media about the progress made in the first year of the project.

6) Work stage V:
- Producing visitor material/presentation for natural parks: Materials and presentations will be created to educate visitors about the natural parks.
- If possible: Participating in an environmental day: If feasible, the participants will take part in an environmental day to raise awareness about nature conservation.

7) Third meeting:
- Presenting materials to other participants and the school community: The materials and findings from the project will be shared with other participants and the school community.
- Collecting and analyzing specimens of Marais Poitevin: Specimens from Marais Poitevin will be collected and analyzed during this meeting.
- Cultural program: Planning the future together - Activities in Futuroscope in Poitiers: A cultural program will be organized, focusing on future planning and activities in Futuroscope, Poitiers.

8) Work stage VI:
- Documentation of the activities led in France: The activities conducted in France will be documented for future reference.
- Publication on websites: The relevant information and project outcomes will be published on the project's websites.
- Preparing the final report/film: A final report or film summarizing the entire project will be prepared.

These work stages and activities ensure that the project's results are disseminated effectively, incorporating analysis, evaluation, and documentation at various stages.