Who benefited from the growth of classical liberalism during the industrial revolution? Who did not benifit from it?

Why didn't the theorys of classic liberalism extend to all classes and people?
please help

During the Industrial Revolution, classical liberalism had a significant impact on society. However, its benefits were not equally distributed among all classes and people.

Those who benefited from the growth of classical liberalism were primarily the capitalist class, industrialists, entrepreneurs, and skilled workers. Classical liberalism emphasized individualism, free markets, and limited government intervention, which created an environment favorable to economic growth and innovation. This led to the rise of industries, trade, and increased opportunities for those with capital and specific skills. The capitalist class and entrepreneurs saw their wealth and influence expand, while skilled workers experienced improved wages and working conditions compared to the pre-industrial era.

On the other hand, not everyone benefited from classical liberalism during the industrial revolution. The working class faced numerous challenges and hardships. They often endured long working hours, dangerous conditions, low wages, and child labor. The principles of classical liberalism, such as minimal government intervention and unrestricted free markets, did not prioritize the welfare of workers or address issues of social inequality. The theory generally assumed that market forces would eventually lead to overall prosperity, but this was not immediately realized for all members of society.

One reason why the theories of classical liberalism did not extend to all classes and people is rooted in the socio-economic dynamics of the time. The industrial revolution brought rapid changes in the structure of society, and existing power imbalances and wealth disparities were exacerbated. Access to education, resources, and social mobility often remained limited to those who were already privileged.

Moreover, the principles of classical liberalism primarily focused on economic freedoms and individual rights, often neglecting social welfare concerns. Government intervention and regulations to ensure the protection of workers' rights or provide social safety nets were seen as hindrances to free markets and individual liberty.

In summary, classical liberalism during the industrial revolution primarily benefited the capitalist class and skilled workers, while the working class faced numerous challenges. The theories of classical liberalism did not extend to all classes and people due to the existing power dynamics, limited access to opportunities, and the focus on economic freedoms rather than social welfare.