Bronson and a friend are going to carry a canoe across a flat field, describe the shortest path they can use.

That depends upon where they want to go and from where they started.

I think you're missing something in this problem.

That's all that the questions says.

To find the shortest path for Bronson and his friend to carry a canoe across a flat field, we can apply some principles from geometry.

The shortest path between two points is a straight line, which means they should take the shortest distance possible between the starting point and the destination point. This concept is known as the Euclidean distance.

To determine the shortest path, Bronson and his friend need to identify the starting point and the destination point. Let's assume the starting point is A and the destination point is B.

1. Measure the distance between point A and point B.
- If you have the coordinates of both points (latitude and longitude), you can use the Haversine formula to calculate the distance between them.
- If you have the physical location of both points and can use a measuring device like a tape measure, simply measure the distance between the two points.

2. Once you have the distance between points A and B, mark the starting point (A) and the destination point (B) accurately on the flat field.

3. Join points A and B with a straight line.
- One way to do this is by using a long straight object like a rope or a measuring tape. Stretch it from point A to point B, making sure it is straight and not curved.

4. Walk along the straight line with the canoe, making sure it remains parallel to the line.

By following these steps, Bronson and his friend will be taking the shortest path possible across the flat field to carry the canoe.