a map of the moon has a scale of 1cm:25km. On this map the diameter of the Copernicus crater is about 3.7 cm. To the nearest kilometer, what is the actual diameter of the crater?

3.7 * 25 = ?

To find the actual diameter of the Copernicus crater, we need to use the scale given on the map.

The scale is 1cm:25km, which means that 1 centimeter on the map represents 25 kilometers in real life.

The diameter of the crater on the map is 3.7 cm.

To find the actual diameter, we can set up a proportion using the scale:

1 cm on the map represents 25 km in real life.
3.7 cm on the map represents x km in real life.

Using the proportion, we get:

1 cm / 25 km = 3.7 cm / x km

Cross-multiplying, we have:

1 * x km = 3.7 cm * 25 km

x km = (3.7 cm * 25 km) / 1

x km = 92.5 km

Therefore, the actual diameter of the Copernicus crater is approximately 92.5 kilometers (to the nearest kilometer).

To find the actual diameter of the Copernicus crater on the moon, we can use the given scale and measurements from the map.

The scale of the map is 1cm:25km, which means that 1 centimeter on the map corresponds to 25 kilometers in real life.
The diameter of the Copernicus crater on the map is given as 3.7 cm.

Now we can set up a proportion equation to find the actual diameter of the crater:
1 cm on the map --> 25 km in real life
3.7 cm on the map --> x km in real life

To solve this proportion, we can cross multiply:
1 cm * x km = 3.7 cm * 25 km

Simplifying the equation:
x km = (3.7 cm * 25 km) / 1 cm

x km = 92.5 km

Therefore, the actual diameter of the Copernicus crater on the moon is approximately 92.5 kilometers.