Flower: Rose:: tree:???

Must start with scr, spr, str, thr


spruce. Goodness. Haven't you built an Indian canoe from spruce?


Wouldn't: couldn't:: gree:screen

What’s a word that starts with scr spr str thr

To find the answer to the analogy "Flower: Rose:: tree: ???," we need to identify a word that has a similar relationship to "tree" as "Rose" has to "flower." In this analogy, "rose" is a type of flower, so we are looking for a word that is a type of tree.

The given hint tells us that the answer word must start with "scr," "spr," "str," or "thr." By focusing on these letter combinations, we can narrow down our options.

To find a potential answer, we can go through words that start with each of these combinations:

1. Scr: There are no common tree names that start with "scr."

2. Spr: The word "spruce" is a type of tree. Therefore, "tree: spruce" could be a viable answer.

3. Str: The word "strongbark" is not a commonly known tree, so there is no direct match for "tree: str" in this context.

4. Thr: There are no common tree names that start with "thr."

Based on the given options, "tree: spruce" is the best answer in the context of this analogy.