What were the cause of the Korean War?

The Korean War was primarily caused by a combination of political, ideological, and territorial factors. To understand the causes of the Korean War, one can look at the background and context leading up to the conflict.

1. Divided Korea: Following Japan's surrender in World War II, Korea was divided along the 38th parallel by the Soviet Union and the United States, with the North under Soviet influence and the South under American influence.

2. Political and ideological differences: The North, led by Kim Il-sung and supported by the Soviet Union and China, adopted a communist ideology. The South, led by Syngman Rhee and backed by the United States, pursued a capitalist system and sought to prevent communist expansion.

3. Failed reunification attempts: Several attempts to reunify the divided Korean peninsula peacefully, such as the Moscow Conference in 1945 and the failed negotiations at the United Nations, were unsuccessful due to contrasting goals and mistrust between the North and the South.

4. Border disputes and armed clashes: Frequent border clashes occurred along the 38th parallel, with both sides engaging in military provocations. The North Korean government felt threatened by South Korea's adoption of a military draft and perceived it as preparation for an invasion.

5. Infiltration and sabotage: Both sides engaged in acts of infiltration and sabotage within each other's territories, further escalating tensions. For instance, North Korean agents carried out numerous attacks on South Korean targets, as well as on American military personnel stationed in South Korea.

6. Strategic considerations of superpowers: The global context of the Cold War played a significant role in the Korean War. The United States feared the spread of communism in East Asia, while the Soviet Union sought to expand its influence internationally. Both superpowers saw the Korean Peninsula as strategically important.

Considering these factors, the Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950, when North Korea launched a surprise invasion of South Korea, aiming to unify the entire peninsula under communist control. The conflict lasted for three years and ended in an armistice in 1953, with the two Koreas remaining divided ever since.
