Which of the following atom pairs would most likely be connected by a covalent bond?

K and F

O and Cl

Na and O

Na and Cl

so the answer would be O and Cl

Compounds formed between elements on the far left and far right of the periodic table tend to be ionic. Those compounds formed between elements on the same side of the table (near each other) tend to be covalent. K and Br will be ionic. Ba and Cl will be ionic. O and F will be covalent as will SO2, SO3, NO2, IBr, etc.


O and CI, krystal. :) I think.

I can’t give you the answer but a clue is that one part is an O.

To determine which atom pairs would most likely be connected by a covalent bond, we need to understand the nature of covalent bonding. Covalent bonding occurs when two atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.

To decide if a covalent bond is likely to form between two atoms, we can look at their electronegativity values. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond. The larger the electronegativity difference between two atoms, the less likely they are to form a covalent bond, as one atom would more strongly attract the shared electrons.

Let's examine the given atom pairs:

1. K and F:
Potassium (K) has a low electronegativity value of 0.8, and fluorine (F) has a high electronegativity value of 3.1. The large electronegativity difference suggests that a covalent bond between K and F is unlikely.

2. O and Cl:
Oxygen (O) has an electronegativity of 3.5, and chlorine (Cl) has an electronegativity of 3.0. Although there is a smaller electronegativity difference compared to K and F, the difference is still significant enough to make a covalent bond between O and Cl unlikely.

3. Na and O:
Sodium (Na) has a low electronegativity value of 0.9, and oxygen (O) has a high electronegativity value of 3.5. The large electronegativity difference suggests that a covalent bond between Na and O is unlikely.

4. Na and Cl:
Sodium (Na) has an electronegativity value of 0.9, and chlorine (Cl) has an electronegativity of 3.0. Although there is still a significant electronegativity difference, it is smaller compared to the other pairs. This suggests that a covalent bond between Na and Cl is more likely compared to the other atom pairs.

Therefore, the atom pair that is most likely to be connected by a covalent bond is Na and Cl.