Predict the number of covalent bonds formed by each nonmetal atom.

a. N-----3 bonds

b. Cl-----1 bond

c. S-----2 bonds

All are correct. S will form 4 (in SO2 for example) and 6 (in SO3 for example) in addition to 2 in compounds like H2S.

To predict the number of covalent bonds formed by each nonmetal atom, we need to look at the element's group number in the periodic table.

a. Nitrogen (N) is in Group 15 of the periodic table. Group 15 elements typically form 3 covalent bonds. Therefore, nitrogen (N) forms 3 covalent bonds.

b. Chlorine (Cl) is in Group 17 of the periodic table. Group 17 elements typically form 1 covalent bond. Therefore, chlorine (Cl) forms 1 covalent bond.

c. Sulfur (S) is in Group 16 of the periodic table. Group 16 elements typically form 2 covalent bonds. Therefore, sulfur (S) forms 2 covalent bonds.