Here is the part concerning the distribution of tasks among the partner schools.

1)..... Gymnasium: It will coordinate the project and accomodate partners twice (beginning and end). It will as well set up the e-twinning platform and organise presentations, press conferences and documentation. Furthermore it will lead the monitoring and evaluation.
2)Lycée ……..: It disposes of a very well-equiped department of cinema and thus will allocate it for the project's documentation. Having modern laboratories as well, our French partner will be responsible for a meeting during which water specimen will be taken and analysed.
3)High school ….: Having as well modern laboratories, our Italian partner will arrange another meeting within the scope of which there will be analyses of water specimen. Considering that this school has already participated successfully several times in science contests, it will contribute to the project by providing instruction and years of research, as well as the available educational equipment.
4)In the first stage of the project, all partners will train their students in ICT and languages. They will contribute their results to the documentation. They will establish and maintain contact to natural parks and organize participations and material during environmental days.
5)Pupils: Of all teams, one team will be chosen as coordinator. This team will monitor the compulsory activities.

1)..... Gymnasium: It will coordinate the project and accomodate partners twice (beginning and end). It will also set up the e-twinning platform and organise presentations, press conferences, and documentation. Furthermore it will lead the monitoring and evaluation.

2)Lycée ……..: This school has a very well-equipped department of film and film-making and will designate it for documentation during the project. Having modern laboratories as well, our French partner will be responsible for a meeting during which water specimens will be taken and analysed.

3)High school ….: Since this school has very modern laboratories, our Italian partner will arrange another meeting within the scope of which there will be analyses of water specimens. Considering that this school has already successfully participated in several science contests, it will contribute to the project by providing instruction based on their years of research, as well as the available educational equipment.

4) In the first stage of the project, all partners will train their students in ICT and languages. They will contribute their results to the documentation. They will establish and maintain contact with natural parks and organize participation and materials during environmental days.

5)Pupils: Of all teams, one team will be chosen as coordinator. This team will monitor the compulsory activities.

In this passage, the distribution of tasks among the partner schools for a project is described. Let's break down the roles and responsibilities of each school:

1) Gymnasium: The Gymnasium will take on the role of project coordinator. They will oversee the entire project and accommodate the partners at the beginning and end of the project. Additionally, they will be responsible for setting up the e-twinning platform, organizing presentations, press conferences, and documenting the project. They will also lead the monitoring and evaluation activities.

2) Lycée: The Lycée school, which has a well-equipped cinema department, will allocate its resources for the project's documentation. They will be in charge of capturing and producing visual content for the project. Furthermore, they have modern laboratories and will be responsible for organizing a meeting where water specimens will be taken and analyzed.

3) High school: The High school partner, also equipped with modern laboratories, will arrange a separate meeting for water specimen analysis. This school has participated successfully in science contests before, so they will contribute their expertise, years of research, and educational equipment to the project.

4) Training and Collaboration: In the initial stage of the project, all partner schools will train their students in ICT (Information and Communications Technology) and languages. They will gather and contribute their training results to the project documentation. The schools will also establish and maintain contacts with natural parks, organizing participations, and collecting relevant material during environmental days.

5) Pupils: Among the teams involved, one team will be chosen as the coordinator. This team will be responsible for monitoring the compulsory activities set forth in the project requirements.