what is drought? give 5 adjectives, 5 nouns, 5 verbs. write antonyms for 3 adjectives you have mention.


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Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low precipitation, resulting in a shortage of water supplies. Here are five adjectives that describe drought:

1. Dry - lacking moisture or water.
2. Arid - excessively dry, with little to no rainfall.
3. Desolate - barren and devoid of life due to lack of water.
4. Parched - extremely dry and thirsty.
5. Devastating - causing severe damage or destruction due to water scarcity.

Now, let's move on to five nouns related to drought:

1. Water scarcity - the lack of sufficient water resources.
2. Dehydration - the process of losing water from the body.
3. Crop failure - the inability of plants to grow and produce due to water scarcity.
4. Reservoir depletion - the reduction in the water levels within a reservoir.
5. Dust bowl - an area of land where drought conditions result in barren soil and frequent dust storms.

Lastly, here are five verbs associated with drought:

1. Wither - to become dry and shriveled.
2. Evaporate - to turn from a liquid into vapor or steam, typically due to heat and lack of water.
3. Deplete - to use up or reduce the supply of water.
4. Suffer - to experience hardship or harm due to a lack of water.
5. Preserve - to protect and conserve water resources during a drought.

Now, let's find the antonyms for three of the adjectives mentioned:

1. Dry - wet, moist
2. Arid - humid, damp
3. Parched - quenched, hydrated