Quadratic equations can be solved by graphing,using the quadratic formula, completing the square, and factoring. What are the pros and cons of the methods. when would each be appropriate?

graphing gives you a ball-park answer, even showing if there are any real solutions

If the equation starts with x^2 and the middle term is even, I ALWAYS use completing the square, it is faster than using the formula and gives you the reduced answer if it is irrational

I often do a quick calculation of the discriminant
b^2 - 4ac on my calculator.
If that answer is a perfect square, then my quadratic will factor,
If the coefficients are single digits I usually look for factors, takes just a few seconds
If the numbers are two digits or "unruly" I just go for the formula way.
This used to be a problem in the past but with today's calculators the difficulty becomes a mute point.

Quadratic equations can indeed be solved using various methods, each with its own pros and cons. Let's explore the advantages and drawbacks of each method and when they might be most suitable:

1. Graphing:
- Pros: Graphing provides a visual representation of the equation and allows you to see the roots (solutions) easily.
- Cons: Graphing is not always accurate, especially if the equation has complex roots, and it may not be the most precise method for obtaining precise solutions.
- Appropriate Use: Graphing can be useful when you need a quick estimate of the roots or when you want to visualize the equation and its solutions.

2. Quadratic Formula:
- Pros: The quadratic formula is a reliable and foolproof method that can provide exact solutions for any quadratic equation.
- Cons: Calculating the quadratic formula by hand can be time-consuming and prone to human error.
- Appropriate Use: The quadratic formula is a good choice when you need precise and reliable solutions, regardless of the complexity of the equation.

3. Completing the Square:
- Pros: Completing the square allows for finding exact solutions and provides insights into the vertex form of the quadratic equation.
- Cons: It can be a lengthy process and requires understanding and manipulation of algebraic expressions.
- Appropriate Use: Completing the square is often advantageous when you need to find the vertex of a parabola, and it can also be useful when solving quadratic equations with rational solutions.

4. Factoring:
- Pros: Factoring allows for the identification and extraction of common factors, making it a relatively quick method when the quadratic equation is easily factorable.
- Cons: Factoring is only applicable to equations that can be factored, and it can be challenging to factor complex or higher-degree quadratics.
- Appropriate Use: Factoring is a suitable method when the quadratic equation is factorable, as it provides a straightforward way to find the solutions.

When choosing the appropriate method for solving a quadratic equation, consider the complexity of the equation, the need for precise solutions, and the desired level of accuracy and efficiency. The quadratic formula is generally a reliable option, but if the equation is easily factorable or you need a quick estimate, graphing or factoring may be more suitable. Completing the square is useful for understanding the properties of the equation and finding the vertex.