Which of the following is inherited?

A. The shape of your blood cells
B. Your intelligence
C. Your personality
D. Your weight


To determine which of the options is inherited, we need to understand the concept of inheritance. Inheritance refers to traits that are passed down from parents to offspring through genes.

A. The shape of your blood cells: This trait is determined by genetic factors and can be inherited from your parents. Certain blood disorders, such as sickle cell disease, are examples of conditions where the shape of blood cells may be inherited.

B. Your intelligence: Intelligence is a complex trait that is influenced by various factors, including genetics and environment. While there is evidence that intelligence has a genetic component, it is also influenced by factors such as education, upbringing, and experiences. Therefore, intelligence is not solely inherited and can vary among individuals even within the same family.

C. Your personality: Personality is a combination of genetic and environmental factors, making it a complex trait. Studies have shown that certain aspects of personality, such as temperament, may have a genetic basis. However, personality is also shaped by factors such as upbringing, life experiences, and cultural influences. Therefore, while there may be some inherited components to personality, it is not entirely inherited.

D. Your weight: Weight is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, physical activity, and overall health. While there is evidence that genetics can play a role in determining weight to some extent, it is not solely inherited. Factors such as lifestyle choices, eating habits, and metabolism also contribute to an individual's weight.

Based on the explanations provided, the correct answer is A. The shape of your blood cells is a trait that can be inherited.