To calculate a 15% tip on a $24 bill a customer adds $2.40 and half of $2.40, or $1.20, to get $3.60. Is this method valid? Why or why not?

Yes. That's the way I calculate a tip.

10% of 24 is 2.40.
Half of 2.40 is 1.20.

2.40 + 1.20 = 3.60

10% + half of 10% = 15%

To determine whether the method of calculating a 15% tip is valid or not, let's break it down.

The customer is adding $2.40 and half of $2.40 ($1.20) to get a total of $3.60.

To correctly calculate a 15% tip on a $24 bill, we can use the following formula:

Tip amount = Bill amount * Tip percentage

So, in this case, the tip amount would be:

Tip amount = $24 * 0.15 (15% can be represented as 0.15)

Tip amount = $3.60

Since the customer's calculation of $3.60 matches the calculated tip amount, this method is indeed valid. The customer's approach of adding $2.40 and half of $2.40 to get $3.60 is a valid way of calculating a 15% tip on a $24 bill.