who was the former chancellor of Germany that had correctly predicted not only the coming of the first World War, but also that it would begin in Eastern Europe? Archduke Francis Ferdinand

no francis ferdiand killed by gavrillo princip which began WWI. It may have been hemlut schmidt

what is the term for the opposition to all war that was promoted by organizations such as the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom? pacifism

Yes. Pacifism is correct.

Who is Otto von Bismarck?

In February 1888, during a Bulgarian crisis, Bismarck addressed the Reichstag on the dangers of a European war.

The former chancellor of Germany who correctly predicted the coming of the First World War and that it would begin in Eastern Europe was not Archduke Francis Ferdinand, but rather Otto von Bismarck. Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his assassination in 1914 is considered one of the main triggers for the outbreak of WWI.

To find the correct answer, you can utilize various research methods. One option is to search for reliable historical sources like books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites that discuss the role of important figures in the lead-up to World War I. Another option is to consult specific biographies or historical accounts of notable German chancellors during that period. Additionally, researching the diplomatic efforts and general context of the time may shed light on the predictions made by Otto von Bismarck.