Used books are being sold at $5 and used videos are being sold at $6. There are 175 total items sold and a total of $910 collected. How many videos were sold?

Okay, I have figured this out.

Total Items $$ Total
Books 175-v 5 5(175-v)
Videos v 6 6v
Total 175 --- $910

5(175-v) + 6v = 910

875- 5v + 6v = 910

1v (or just v) = 910-875

v = 35, or 35 videos

35 videos at $6 each = $200 sold

$910-200 = $710 left for books

$710/$5 (books) = 142 books sold

Sorry the "Total Items $$ Total" was supposed to be 3 columns.

your number of books is not correct

should be 175-35 = 140

so 35 videos and 140 books

check: 35(6) + 140(5) = 910

35*6 is 210 not 200.

To find the number of videos sold, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume that the number of used books sold is represented by 'b', and the number of used videos sold is represented by 'v'.

From the given information, we know that the price of each used book is $5, so the total revenue from used books can be calculated as 5b. Similarly, the price of each used video is $6, so the total revenue from used videos can be calculated as 6v.

We are also given that the total number of items sold is 175, so we can set up the equation:

b + v = 175 ...(Equation 1)

And we are given that the total amount collected is $910, so we can set up another equation:

5b + 6v = 910 ...(Equation 2)

Now, we can solve this system of equations to find the values of 'b' and 'v'.

To do this, we can use a method called substitution. Rearranging Equation 1, we can solve for 'b' in terms of 'v':

b = 175 - v

Substituting this value of 'b' into Equation 2, we can solve for 'v':

5(175 - v) + 6v = 910
875 - 5v + 6v = 910
v = 910 - 875
v = 35

Therefore, 35 used videos were sold.