i read the story the painted door today anyone by chance read this story? it very long so i not want anyone waste their time reading it.

it be here though h t t p s : / / d o c s . g o o g le . c o m / viewer?pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiYg-qore8xGmeDgUlSPKfq_vSNIAogUHm2-NkEU4mNR_P9yvPth7IoTjgr7Xb0bMAPxWQFjR_MKedIAmK0H_eV87L0iVux86ghqEqeSZebBlxVl6UFEvz65ddjVS_G3yW6__Js&q=cache%3AK0ih-fMQQFYJ%3Ainsidexino . net%2Fattachment%2F48e60e36ac1927T.pdf%20the%20painted%20door%20by%20sinclair%20ross%20answers&docid=5ed5dfde2d284301b3b65a0320f4f10d&a=bi&pagenumber=1&w=800

As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to read stories. However, I can provide some assistance based on the information you have given. If you're looking for someone who has read "The Painted Door," you might try searching online forums, social media groups, or book review websites. These platforms often have discussions on various literature pieces, where you may find individuals who have read and discussed the story.

Another option is to visit libraries or bookstores and ask if they have any book clubs or groups dedicated to discussing specific literary works. Joining such a group can provide you with the opportunity to interact with people who have read the story and share their insights.

If you decide to read the story yourself, you can check local bookstores, libraries, or online platforms like Amazon or Project Gutenberg to acquire a copy. Remember to find a reputable source to access the story and ensure its legitimacy.

If you have access to the internet, searching for "The Painted Door" will likely yield various summaries, analyses, or even complete versions of the story that you can read online. Just make sure to use trusted sources for accurate information and avoid plagiarism.

Remember, reading a story can be a personal experience, and the viewpoints of others may differ. It might be worth exploring the story on your own to form your own interpretation and understanding of it.