What is the volume of 4.00 grams of air if the density of air at the time of the measurement is 1.19 g/l?

To find the volume of air, we can use the formula:

Volume = Mass / Density

Mass = 4.00 grams
Density = 1.19 g/l

Convert grams to kilograms:
Mass = 4.00 grams = 4.00 grams * (1 kg / 1000 grams) = 0.00400 kg

Now we can calculate the volume:

Volume = Mass / Density
Volume = 0.00400 kg / 1.19 g/l

Since the given density is in grams per liter (g/l), we need to convert kilograms to grams and liters to cubic meters for the units to be consistent.

Convert kg to g:
0.00400 kg = 0.00400 kg * (1000 g / 1 kg) = 4.00 g

Convert g/l to kg/m³:
1 g/l = 1 g/l * (1 kg / 1000 g) * (1000 l / 1 m³) = 0.001 kg/m³

Substitute the values back into the formula:

Volume = 4.00 g / (1.19 g/l * 0.001 kg/m³)
Volume = 4.00 g / 1.19 g/m³
Volume = 3.36 m³

So, the volume of 4.00 grams of air, when the density is 1.19 g/l, is 3.36 cubic meters (m³).

To calculate the volume of a given mass of a substance, you can use the equation:

Volume = Mass / Density

In this case, you have the mass of air, which is 4.00 grams, and the density of air, which is 1.19 g/l. To find the volume, divide the mass of the air by its density:

Volume = 4.00 g / 1.19 g/l

Now, to perform the calculation, divide the mass by the density:

Volume = 4.00 / 1.19

Calculating this division, we get:

Volume ≈ 3.36 liters

Therefore, the volume of 4.00 grams of air, when the density of air is 1.19 g/l, is approximately 3.36 liters.

mass = volume x density