Wally collects 15 baseball cards each week. He gave 10 cards to his friend james. write an expression to show the number of cards that wally has left

If he starts with 15 cards >>

15 - 10

To get the expression that shows the number of cards Wally has left, we need to subtract the number of cards he gave to his friend from the number of cards he collects each week.

Let's break down the information given:

- Wally collects 15 baseball cards each week.
- He gave 10 cards to his friend James.

To express the number of cards Wally has left, we subtract the cards given away from the cards collected each week. Here's the expression:

Total cards collected - Cards given away = Cards Wally has left

Putting the information into the expression, we have:

15 - 10 = Wally's remaining number of cards

Simplifying the expression:

5 = Wally's remaining number of cards

Therefore, the expression to show the number of cards Wally has left is "5".