Several appliances are supplied with a potential difference of 314 V and are operated continuously for a 24 h period. How much energy is used if the appliance is a 30.0 W stereo?

Answer in units of J

How much of energy is used if the appliance is an electric oven that draws 70.0 A of current?
Answer in units of J

How much energy is used if the appliance is a television with a resistance of 10.0 ?
Answer in units of J

Any help or information on how to solve these would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

well, first figure out the number of seconds

24 h * 60 min/h * 60 s/min = 8.64 *10^4 s

a Watt is a Joule/second so Joules = Watts * seconds

30 *8.64 * 10^4 = 2.59*1^6 Joules

watts = Volt * amps
watts = 314 * 70
Joules = 314*70 * 8.64*10^4

watts = V^2/r = (314)^2/10 ohms
Joules = (314^2/10) *6.64*10^4

314 is a VERY strange voltage for appliances.

Life saver, thanks!

To calculate the energy used by an appliance, you can use the formula:

Energy = Power × Time

where Power is measured in watts (W) and Time is measured in seconds (s).

For the first question, the appliance is a stereo with a power of 30.0 W. We are given that it operates continuously for a 24 h period.

First, we need to convert the time from hours to seconds:
24 hours × 60 minutes/hour × 60 seconds/minute = 86,400 seconds

Now we can substitute the values into the formula:
Energy = 30.0 W × 86,400 s

To get the answer in joules (J), we can simply perform the multiplication.

For the second question, the appliance is an electric oven that draws a current of 70.0 A. We need to find the power used by the oven before calculating the energy.

To find the power, we can use the formula:
Power = Current × Voltage

However, we are not given the voltage. So we need more information to solve this question.

For the third question, the appliance is a television with a resistance of 10.0 Ω. Again, we need more information to calculate the power and energy used. The formula to calculate power using resistance is:

Power = (Current)^2 × Resistance

However, we are not given the current flowing through the television. More information is required to calculate the power and energy.

In summary, more information is needed for questions 2 and 3 to calculate the power and subsequently the energy used by the respective appliances.