An airplane left chicago O'Hare airport at 9:50 AM and arrived at Detroit,Michigan at 11:45 A.M.How long did the trip take?

11 45/60-9 50/60=

10 105/60 -9 50/60
1hr 55min

Ahh -- but there's a time change involved. Chicago is in Central time and Detroit is in Eastern time. When it's 9:50 in Chicago, it's 10:50 in Detroit. The trip only took 55 minutes.

To determine how long the trip took, you need to calculate the difference between the departure time (9:50 AM) and the arrival time (11:45 AM). Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert both times into a common format (24-hour format) for easier calculation.

9:50 AM can be written as 09:50.
11:45 AM can be written as 11:45.

Step 2: Calculate the time difference.

Subtract the departure time from the arrival time:
11:45 - 09:50 = 1 hour and 55 minutes.

Step 3: Convert the difference into the desired format.

Since the difference is in hours and minutes, you can write it as 1:55 or 1 hour and 55 minutes.

Therefore, the trip took 1 hour and 55 minutes.