ok so my English teacher is making us write a story & here is the prompt. "imagine you are a travel agent try to persuade a family of four to buy a trip". that is like so easy but the catch is, we have to write it in 3rd person. im totally confused there. help anyone?

You can use phrases such as:

The people who have taken this trip . . .
Children enjoy . . .
Adults appreciate . . .
The food is outstanding . . .
Nothing can beat the sites of . . .

hi i really need help in my L.A homework please

Alicja -- please click Post a New Question and tell us specifically what you need help with.

Sure, I can help you understand how to write a story in the third person perspective. Writing in third person means telling the story from an outsider's perspective, where the narrator is not a character in the story. Instead of using "I" or "we" to refer to yourself, you will use pronouns like "he," "she," "it," or "they" to refer to the characters.

To start, consider the following steps to write your persuasive story in the third person:

1. Create an engaging introduction: Begin by introducing the family and setting the tone for your story. Provide some background information about the family, like their interests, preferences, or a common goal.

Example: "The Smith family, consisting of John, his wife Sarah, and their two children, Emma and Michael, had always dreamed of embarking on a magical adventure together."

2. Build up the destination: Describe the location of the trip and its attractive features. Highlight the key reasons why this destination would be perfect for the family. Use descriptive language to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind.

Example: "Nestled amidst turquoise waters and pristine beaches, the enchanting tropical island of Paradise Isle offers a haven of beauty and excitement for families seeking a memorable vacation. The island boasts lush rainforests, thrilling water sports, and a plethora of cultural experiences."

3. Focus on the family's interests and benefits: Highlight how the destination aligns with the family's interests and desires. Emphasize the unique experiences they will have, focusing on activities or attractions that appeal to them.

Example: "For the adventure-loving Smiths, Paradise Isle provides an array of adrenaline-pumping activities like snorkeling, zip-lining through the rainforest, and taking sunset cruises. Meanwhile, for Emma, the aspiring marine biologist, the island's coral reefs and guided marine tours offer an incredible opportunity to explore the underwater world."

4. Address potential concerns: Acknowledge any doubts or concerns the family may have and offer reassuring solutions or information. Explain how the destination caters to families, and what additional services or support will be provided during their trip.

Example: "John and Sarah can rest assured knowing that Paradise Isle is renowned for its family-friendly resorts with dedicated child-care services, keeping their children safe and entertained. With comfortable accommodations, a multitude of dining options, and reliable transportation services, the Smiths need not worry about any logistics; everything is carefully curated to ensure a stress-free experience."

5. Conclude with a powerful persuasive statement: Summarize the benefits and experiences the family will gain from this trip. Emphasize the importance of family bonding, creating lasting memories, and the overall value of the trip.

Example: "By choosing Paradise Isle as their dream vacation destination, the Smiths are not only investing in an exceptional travel experience but also forging lifelong memories and strengthening the bonds that tie them together as a family."

Remember to use descriptive language, strong persuasive arguments, and engage the reader through imagery and storytelling. Good luck with your story!