1/2.165 = sqrt x/131.29.

I am not sure how to solve for x.

1/2.65 = √x/131.29

131.29/2.65 = √x
49.54 = √x
2454.55 = x

Thank you

To solve for x in the equation 1/2.165 = sqrt(x/131.29), we need to isolate x. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start by cross-multiplying the equation to eliminate the square root. Multiply both sides by √(x/131.29).

√(x/131.29) * 1/2.165 = √(x/131.29) * √(x/131.29)

√(x/131.29) / 2.165 = √x / 131.29

Step 2: Square both sides of the equation to remove the square root on the right side.

(√(x/131.29) / 2.165)^2 = (√x / 131.29)^2

[(√(x/131.29))^2 / (2.165)^2] = (√x)^2 / (131.29)^2

(x/131.29) / (2.165^2) = x / (131.29^2)

Step 3: Simplify the equation by squaring the square root and solving for x.

(x/131.29) / 4.687225 = x / 17240.9041

Multiply both sides by 4.687225:

x / 694.676125 = x / 17240.9041

Step 4: Now we can eliminate the fraction on the left side by multiplying both sides by 694.676125:

(x / 694.676125) * 694.676125 = (x / 17240.9041) * 694.676125

x = (x/17240.9041) * 694.676125

Step 5: Simplify the equation by canceling out x on the right side:

x = (x * 694.676125) / 17240.9041

Step 6: Distribute x on the right side:

x = (694.676125 * x) / 17240.9041

Step 7: Cross-multiply to isolate x:

x * 17240.9041 = 694.676125 * x

17240.9041x = 694.676125x

Step 8: Subtract 694.676125x from both sides:

(17240.9041 - 694.676125)x = 0

Step 9: Simplify the equation:

16546.227975x = 0

Step 10: Divide both sides by 16546.227975 to solve for x:

x = 0

Therefore, x = 0 is the solution to the equation 1/2.165 = sqrt(x/131.29).