What steps you would take in order to be a writer when you grow up?


1. Do LOTS of reading.

2. Do LOTS of writing.


Thank You Very Much

My husband was the author of nine published books. He would tell you to read, read, read. Write, write, write. Then polish your writing.

Be sure to learn, because a writer needs to know what she is talking about.

Becoming a writer requires dedication, practice, and a love for writing. Here are some steps you can take to pursue a career as a writer:

1. Develop a reading habit: Read extensively across different genres to broaden your knowledge and understanding of writing styles.

2. Write regularly: Set aside dedicated time each day or week to practice writing. Start by keeping a journal or writing short stories, poems, or articles.

3. Seek feedback: Share your writing with others, such as friends, family, or writing communities, and ask for constructive feedback. This will help you grow as a writer and identify areas for improvement.

4. Learn the basics of storytelling: Study the fundamentals of storytelling, including plot structure, character development, dialogue, and pacing. There are many online resources, books, and creative writing courses available to help you learn these skills.

5. Join writing workshops or critique groups: Participate in writing workshops or join critique groups where you can receive feedback from experienced writers and learn from their expertise. This will also provide you with opportunities to network within the writing community.

6. Polish your writing: Edit and revise your work diligently, paying attention to grammar, spelling, and clarity. This step is crucial to ensure your writing is of high quality.

7. Explore different writing genres: Experiment with different genres to find your niche and discover what you enjoy writing the most, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or any other form.

8. Build an online presence: Create a blog or website to showcase your writing and engage with readers. Share your work on social media platforms, join writing communities online, and connect with other writers for support and collaboration.

9. Read about the publishing industry: Familiarize yourself with the different publishing options available, such as traditional publishing, self-publishing, or hybrid publishing. Research the submission process and requirements for literary agents or publishing houses, if you decide to pursue traditional publishing.

10. Stay persistent and resilient: Writing can be a challenging and competitive field, so it's important to persist and not give up on your dreams. Keep writing, continue to improve, and embrace feedback to grow as a writer.

Remember, everyone's journey as a writer is unique. It may take time and effort to establish yourself, but with consistent practice and a passion for storytelling, you can pursue a successful career as a writer.