need root or base word

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To find the root or base word, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify any prefixes or suffixes in the word. A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word, while a suffix is added to the end. Separate these parts from the rest of the word.

2. Determine the main part of the word that remains after removing the prefix and/or suffix. This main part is the root or base word.

For example, let's consider the word "unhappiness":

1. The prefix is "un-" and the suffix is "-ness". Remove these parts from the word.

2. The main part that remains after removing the prefix and suffix is "happy". Therefore, the root or base word of "unhappiness" is "happy".

By identifying prefixes and suffixes and isolating the root or base word, you can better understand the structure and meaning of words.