On planet Z, the standard unit of length is the foose. Ann the Astronaut is 5.90 feet tall on earth. She lands on planet Z and is measured to be 94 foosi tall. Her partner Rachael is 88 foosi tall. How tall is Rachael on Earth?


solve for L

To find out how tall Rachael is on Earth, we need to find the conversion factor between the foose (unit of length on planet Z) and feet (unit of length on Earth) using the given information about Ann's height.

Let's set up a proportion to solve for the conversion factor:
\( \frac{94 \text{ foosi}}{5.90 \text{ feet}} = \frac{88 \text{ foosi}}{x} \)

Cross-multiplying, we have:
\( 94 \text{ foosi} \times x = 88 \text{ foosi} \times 5.90 \text{ feet} \)

Dividing both sides by 94 foosi, we get:
\( x = \frac{88 \text{ foosi} \times 5.90 \text{ feet}}{94 \text{ foosi}} \)

Simplifying the expression, we have:
\( x = \frac{520.8 \text{ feet}}{94} \)

Calculating the value, we find:
\( x \approx 5.53 \text{ feet} \)

Therefore, Rachael is approximately 5.53 feet tall on Earth.