brendan mixed cola and cherry juice to make a party drink. for each 16-ounce can of cola, he used one ounce of cherry juice. if he made 17 quarts of party drink, how many cans of cola did he used, and how many ounces of cherry juice did he need?

16x + x = 17(32)

Solve for x.

To find out how many cans of soda Brendan used, we need to convert the volume of the party drink from quarts to ounces.

We know that 1 quart is equal to 32 ounces. So, if Brendan made 17 quarts of party drink, the total volume in ounces would be:

17 quarts * 32 ounces/quart = 544 ounces

Now let's calculate how much cola and cherry juice Brendan used in total.

For each 16-ounce can of cola, Brendan used one ounce of cherry juice. So, the ratio of cola to cherry juice is 16:1.

To determine the number of cans of soda Brendan used, we can divide the total volume in ounces by the volume of one can of cola.

544 ounces / 16 ounces/can = 34 cans of cola

Therefore, Brendan used 34 cans of cola for the party drink.

To calculate the amount of cherry juice needed, we can multiply the number of cans of cola by the ratio of cherry juice per can.

34 cans of cola * 1 ounce/can = 34 ounces of cherry juice

So, Brendan needed 34 ounces of cherry juice for the party drink.