With night coming on, we started home.

(What other expressions can we use instead of 'with night coming on'? Would you let me know the similar expressions to the sentence?
Thank you.)

As the sun was setting, we started for home.

When it got dark outside, we started for home.

(There are other variations, but these will get you started.)

Certainly! Instead of 'with night coming on,' there are several similar expressions you can use to convey the same meaning. Here are a few alternatives:

1. "As night was approaching, we started home."
2. "With the coming darkness, we began our journey back home."
3. "Seeing the night approaching, we decided to head home."
4. "As the sun started to set, we made our way back home."
5. "With twilight approaching, we set off on our way home."

Each of these expressions conveys the idea that the night was approaching and the speaker or the group made the decision to start their journey back home.