The IV dose of mannitol is 1.5g/kg, administered as a 15% solution. How many mls of the solution should be administered to a 150lb patient?

To determine the number of mLs of the 15% solution that should be administered to a 150 lb patient, we need to follow a series of steps:

Step 1: Convert the patient's weight from pounds to kilograms.
A common conversion is 1 lb = 0.4536 kg, so let's calculate the patient's weight in kilograms:
150 lb * 0.4536 kg/lb = 68.04 kg

Step 2: Calculate the total dose of mannitol needed for the patient.
The given dosage for mannitol is 1.5g/kg. Multiply this by the patient's weight in kilograms to get the total dose:
1.5g/kg * 68.04 kg = 102.06 g

Step 3: Determine the concentration of the 15% solution.
A 15% solution means that there are 15g of mannitol per 100 mL of solution.

Step 4: Calculate the total volume of the 15% solution required.
To find the volume of the solution needed, divide the total dose of mannitol (in grams) by the concentration of the solution (in grams per mL) and convert it to mL:
102.06 g / (15 g/100 mL) = 680.4 mL.

Therefore, 680.4 mL of the 15% solution should be administered to the 150 lb patient.

To calculate the number of milliliters (ml) of the 15% mannitol solution to be administered to a 150lb patient, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the patient's weight from pounds to kilograms.
To convert pounds to kilograms, you divide the weight in pounds by 2.205.
150 lb ÷ 2.205 = 68.03 kg (rounded to two decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate the total dose of mannitol.
Multiply the patient's weight in kilograms by the prescribed dose of mannitol per kilogram.
68.03 kg × 1.5 g/kg = 102.045 g (rounded to three decimal places)

Step 3: Convert the total dose of mannitol from grams to milliliters.
Since we are given a 15% mannitol solution, it means that 100 ml of the solution contains 15 g of mannitol. Therefore, we can set up a proportion to find the volume of the 15% mannitol solution needed.
15 g --> 100 ml
102.045 g --> x ml

15g * x ml = 100 ml * 102.045 g
15x = 10204.5
x = 10204.5 / 15
x = 680.3 ml (rounded to one decimal place)

Therefore, approximately 680.3 ml of the 15% mannitol solution should be administered to the 150lb patient.

150 lb= 150/2.2 kg= you do it.

in each liter of solution, you have 150grams mannitol

you need 1.5*150/2.2 grams

in 1 liter, you get 150 grams (15 percent solution)
so volume in liters= 1.5*150/2.2*1/150
volume in ml= 1500/2.2=681ml