I really need your help to determine if the following techniques are possible when analyzing scientific data (biodiversity in water) with pupils.

I think an English science teacher can help me determine the techniques.

1) Task organization and information distribution
The various tasks will be divided into as many parts as the members of the groups of students involved
2) Investigation activities will be based on three components: investigation (analyzing problems from different points of view), interaction (activities and skills) and interpretation (presentation of findings in front of the partner students)
Cooperative Learning
3) Students will work in heterogeneous groups to achieve a common task.
Problem solving
4) Students will be asked to find creative solutions to solve problems and therefore achieve their results. This method includes the following activities:
Understanding the problem
Gathering information about the problem
Determining ways of solution
Preparing report and its evaluation
5) Experimental method
Investigation activities involve manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable

Assistance needed.

Also, be sure to read up on the scientific method -- the terminology and order in which investigation is carried out.


1) Task organization and information distribution:

This approach involves dividing the various tasks into as many parts as the members of the groups of students involved. The English science teacher can help in determining appropriate techniques for task organization and information distribution. Some possible techniques could include assigning different tasks to each group member, creating a shared document or platform where students can access and contribute information, or using a rotation system where each student takes turns being responsible for organizing and distributing information.

2) Investigation:
In this approach, investigation activities are based on three components: investigation (analyzing problems from different points of view), interaction (activities and skills), and interpretation (presentation of findings in front of the partner students). The English science teacher can guide students on different techniques for investigation, such as conducting research, designing experiments, collecting data, analyzing data, and presenting findings. Some possible techniques could include conducting surveys or interviews, performing experiments or observations, using data analysis software or tools, and preparing presentations or reports.

3) Cooperative Learning:
This approach involves students working in heterogeneous groups to achieve a common task. The English science teacher can provide guidance on effective cooperative learning techniques. Some possible techniques could include assigning roles within the groups (such as a leader, a recorder, a researcher, etc.), promoting effective communication and collaboration among group members, creating opportunities for peer teaching and learning, and providing regular feedback and evaluation of group work.

4) Problem Solving:
In this approach, students are asked to find creative solutions to solve problems and achieve their results. The English science teacher can help students develop problem-solving skills and techniques. Some possible techniques could include understanding the problem by breaking it down into smaller parts, gathering information about the problem through research or data collection, determining different ways of solution by brainstorming or analyzing different approaches, preparing a report or presentation to document the problem-solving process, and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution.

5) Experimental Method:
This approach involves conducting investigation activities by manipulating one variable to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another variable. The English science teacher can guide students on appropriate techniques for conducting experiments. Some possible techniques could include designing controlled experiments with a clear hypothesis, identifying and manipulating independent and dependent variables, collecting and analyzing data using appropriate tools or techniques, and drawing conclusions based on the results of the experiment. The teacher can also guide students on proper experimental design, data recording, and interpretation of the results.