Please help!!


Ten years ago, you started working as a clerk for DMD
Medical Supplies. Six months ago, Liz Jakowski, the human
resources director, promoted you to office manager. You
manage two employees: Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen.
Your office provides secretarial support for the four members
of the executive team. Two years ago, Liz had assigned Jack
to support Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo. Ruth was assigned
to Samuel Daley and Frank Daley. The work flow was
equally balanced.
You’ve noticed that in the last three months Ruth has cut her
breaks short to complete her work, complains of being tired,
and at least twice a month requires overtime hours costing
the company an additional $200 a month. In the last three
weeks, Frank Daley has complained to you a few times about
the poor quality of Ruth’s work.
On the other hand, over the last three months, Jack frequently
seems to have little to do. He has begun coming in late a
couple times a week and taking more than the allotted break
times. What work he does have, however, is always professionally completed.

Clearly, you must investigate to determine what is causing
this change and how to improve the situation. Since nothing
has changed in the personal lives of either Jack or Ruth, you
conclude you must focus on the in-office work situation. You
learn the following facts:
• Samuel and Frank Daley share a part-time administrative
assistant who works only 15 hours a week.
• Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo share a full-time administrative
• Jessica Hilo has been on medical leave for the last four
months, and Liz Jakowski isn’t sure whether Jessica will
be able to return to work.
• Jessica’s duties have been temporarily reassigned to
Ralph and Frank.
Although you don’t have the authority to change the work
assignments of the two administrative assistants or the
executive team, you clearly need to change your office
assignments so that both Jack and Ruth work regularly
without requiring overtime.

After they ask to do webbing and prewritting skills they want these paragraphs divided as follows:

Facts and Figures that define the problem (the cause)

Details that show the impact of the problem (effects on Jack , Ruth and the company.

The steps needed to change the situation

Reason to implement each step including the benefits to your employees , your supervisor and the company

Information about your role in the change.

With all that said and all the brainstorming and webbing and prewritting done. I let my imagination flow and came up with these two paragraphs.

Please disregard grammar and such and focus more on helping me with things in Section 1 and 2 . I will rewrite for grammar later.

Any help , suggestions would be appreciated cause after 2 weeks of thinking of only this I'm stuck and have no clue where else to go. Here is what I have :

For 3 months at the DMD Medical Supplies company there seems to be an evergrowing problem in the work flow and the amount and quality of work being put out by both teams. Jessica Hilo has left on medical leave , the executive team of Samuel Daley and Frank Daley which Ruth Disselkoen Supports only has a part time administrative assistant , Frank is unhappy with the quality of Ruth Disselkoen’s work due to her being overworked , exhausted and the company is losing 200$ more a month on overtime just so Ruth can finish all her work and in the end it comes up in poor quality. The executive team of Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo which is supported by Jack Snyder has a full time administrative assistant and although there is plenty of work in the office Jack has begun to come in late , seems to have little to do in a day and takes extended breaks. All of these things happening between both teams is causing poor work quality and a waste in funds throughout the company. Various members of these teams are either unhappy or absolutely exhausted , which reflects badly on our company and the type of reputation we want to uphold.
As office manager I believe the only way to change this situation is to sit down and have a meeting with Liz Jakowski the human resources director, the executive teams and my two employees Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen and delicate the work equally between everyone on both teams.The first solution I have thought of is to give both executive teams a full time administrative assistant, this would cost the company a bit more money but would result in a more even work flow among both teams and would alleviate my employee Ruth exhaustion and Frank’s irritation toward her poor work quality. My second solution effective immediately is to put Jack Snyder on a 3 month probation where he is to follow office rules such as coming in on time to work and only taking the allotted break times given to him.I will also be deligating some of Ruth’s tasks to Jack as he is producing good quality in his work but yet has very little to do. This should give him some extra work and prevent him from feeling like he has nothing to do. I would also like to make sure that since Jessica Hilo is gone on medical leave with no return date as of yet that her tasks are evenly spread out among both teams. Considering I can only change what Ruth and Jack do in their day , I think it’s important that a company meeting be held and everyone join as a team to make sure each team and their supporters have the same workload , break times and hours in a day. Finding a solution to this problem will result in better work quality, happier employee’s and enable each worker to feel they are treated fairly. This solution would boost the morale of the company and get everyone back on track and focused on what needs to be done to make sure DMD Medical Supplies continues to be a successful company.

I think the content of your solution is good. It's one of the strongest I've read for this assignment so far.

Fix all run-on sentences:
Jessica Hilo has left on medical leave , the executive team of Samuel Daley and Frank Daley which Ruth Disselkoen Supports only has a part time administrative assistant , Frank is unhappy with the quality of Ruth Disselkoen’s work due to her being overworked , exhausted and the company is losing 200$ more a month on overtime just so Ruth can finish all her work and in the end it comes up in poor quality.
Read through your paper and make sure there are no more run-ons.

Make sure there are spaces AFTER commas and periods, not before them.

Check all spelling and make sure that apostrophes are used ONLY for possessive nouns and contractions.


Thanks I will revise it that is basically my rough draft before another rough draft :) I basically just typed and didn't care to think of anything else but a solution .

I'm thankful u feel it's strong this assignment is making my head hurt ! Will repost in a couple hours ! Thanks


Facts and Figures that define the problem (the cause):

1. Jessica Hilo, one of the members of the executive team, has been on medical leave for the past four months, and it is uncertain if she will be able to return to work.
2. The executive team of Samuel Daley and Frank Daley, which Ruth Disselkoen supports, only has a part-time administrative assistant working 15 hours a week.
3. Frank Daley has expressed dissatisfaction with the poor quality of Ruth Disselkoen's work, attributing it to her being overworked and exhausted.
4. Ruth Disselkoen has been cutting short her breaks and requiring overtime hours at least twice a month, leading to an additional cost of $200 per month for the company.
5. The executive team of Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo, which is supported by Jack Snyder, has a full-time administrative assistant.
6. Jack Snyder has been frequently coming in late, taking extended breaks, and seemingly having little to do, despite producing high-quality work when assigned tasks.

Details that show the impact of the problem (effects on Jack, Ruth, and the company):

1. Ruth Disselkoen's overwork and exhaustion have resulted in a decline in the quality of her work, leading to dissatisfaction from Frank Daley and potentially affecting the overall reputation of the company.
2. Jack Snyder's lack of work and irregular attendance affect his productivity and potentially contribute to a lack of motivation among the employees.


The steps needed to change the situation:

1. Have a meeting with Liz Jakowski, the human resources director, the executive teams, and Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen to discuss the issues.
2. Assign a full-time administrative assistant to the executive team of Samuel Daley and Frank Daley to ensure better support and an even distribution of workload.
3. Reassign Jessica Hilo's tasks to the rest of the team while she is on medical leave to avoid overwhelming one particular team.
4. Put Jack Snyder on a 3-month probation, during which he is required to adhere to office rules regarding punctuality and break times.
5. Delegate some of Ruth Disselkoen's tasks to Jack Snyder to ensure a more balanced workload and prevent him from feeling idle.
6. Hold a company-wide meeting to discuss and establish fair workload distribution, break times, and working hours among both teams and their supporters.
7. Emphasize the importance of teamwork and collaboration to improve work quality, enhance employee morale, and maintain the company's success.

Reason to implement each step including the benefits to your employees, your supervisor, and the company:

1. Assigning a full-time administrative assistant to Samuel Daley and Frank Daley's team will ensure better support and an even distribution of workload, addressing Ruth Disselkoen's exhaustion and improving the quality of her work. This will benefit both the employees and the company by reducing overtime costs and maintaining high work standards.
2. Reassigning Jessica Hilo's tasks to be evenly distributed among the teams will prevent one team from being overwhelmed and will promote equal workload among employees. This will enhance employee satisfaction and prevent declining work quality.
3. Putting Jack Snyder on probation will reinforce office rules, improving his punctuality and productivity. This step will benefit Jack personally, as well as the company, by ensuring a more committed and motivated workforce.
4. Delegating some of Ruth Disselkoen's tasks to Jack Snyder will address his lack of work, provide him with additional responsibilities, and prevent him from feeling idle. This will contribute to improved morale and work performance for Jack, benefiting both the employee and the company.
5. Holding a company-wide meeting to establish fair workload distribution, break times, and working hours will ensure transparency, equal treatment, and collaboration among team members. This will result in improved work quality, enhanced morale, and a positive work environment for all employees, ultimately benefiting the company's reputation and success.

Information about your role in the change:
As the office manager, your role is to identify and address the issues affecting the work flow and productivity of your team and the overall company. This involves communicating with Liz Jakowski, the human resources director, organizing and facilitating the meeting, assessing and implementing appropriate solutions, and overseeing the changes to ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, your role includes promoting teamwork, collaboration, and fair treatment among all employees to foster a positive work environment and maintain the company's success.

Section 1:

The facts and figures that define the problem in this situation are as follows:

1. Jessica Hilo, a member of the executive team, has been on medical leave for the past four months, and it is unclear if she will be able to return to work. Her duties have been temporarily reassigned to Ralph Alane and Frank Daley.

2. Ruth Disselkoen, who supports the executive team of Samuel and Frank Daley, has been cutting her breaks short, complaining of being tired, and requiring overtime hours at least twice a month, costing the company an additional $200 a month.

3. Frank Daley has complained about the poor quality of Ruth's work in the past three weeks.

4. Jack Snyder, who supports the executive team of Ralph Alane and Jessica Hilo, has been coming in late a couple of times a week, taking extended breaks, and seems to have little to do. However, the work he does complete is always professionally done.

The impact of these problems can be seen in the effects on Jack, Ruth, and the company as a whole. Ruth is overworked, exhausted, and producing poor quality work, which affects her productivity and efficiency. Additionally, the company is incurring extra costs due to Ruth's overtime hours. Frank's dissatisfaction with Ruth's work also indicates a negative impact on the team dynamic and overall work environment. On the other hand, Jack's lack of productivity and adherence to office rules may cause frustration for him and potentially create a perception of favoritism or inconsistency within the company.

Section 2:
To change the situation and address the problems identified, the following steps can be taken:

1. Hold a meeting with Liz Jakowski, the human resources director, the executive teams, and employees Jack Snyder and Ruth Disselkoen to discuss the issues at hand. This meeting should focus on finding a solution that will distribute the workload more evenly and address the problems faced by both employees.

2. One possible solution is to provide full-time administrative assistants for both executive teams. Although this would require additional expenses for the company, it would result in a more balanced work flow and alleviate Ruth's exhaustion. This step would also address Frank's concerns about the quality of Ruth's work.

3. Implement a 3-month probation period for Jack Snyder, during which he must adhere to office rules such as arriving on time and taking only allotted break times. This will help improve his punctuality and accountability, ensuring fairness within the office.

4. Delegate some of Ruth's tasks to Jack, as he has demonstrated the ability to produce high-quality work despite having little to do. This will provide Jack with more work and prevent him from feeling unproductive.

5. Ensure that the tasks previously assigned to Jessica Hilo are evenly spread out among both teams until her return or a replacement is found. This will ensure that no one team or employee is overwhelmed with work during her absence.

As the office manager, your role in the change is to facilitate the meeting and present these proposed solutions as potential remedies for the current issues. It is important to emphasize the benefits that these changes will bring, including improved work quality, happier employees, fair treatment for all, and a boost in morale throughout the company. Bringing everyone together as a team to address and resolve the problem will create a positive work environment and contribute to the overall success of DMD Medical Supplies.