Divide 4 by 1/4.

In other words, multiply both sides by 4/1 and S=16

What is 1/4s=4

To solve the equation 1/4s = 4 and find the value of s, you need to isolate s on one side of the equation. Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Multiply both sides of the equation by 4. When you multiply both sides by the same nonzero number, it does not change the equality of the equation. This step eliminates the fraction.

(1/4s) * 4 = 4 * 4

This simplifies to:

s = 16

So the value of s that satisfies the equation 1/4s = 4 is s = 16.

To check if the solution is correct, you can substitute the value of s in the equation and see if both sides are equal:

1/4(16) = 4

4/4 = 4

1 = 4

Since 1 is not equal to 4, we can conclude that s = 16 is not the correct solution.