Mrs. Lucida has budgeted $400 for the party. Write and solve the inequality. Solve how many hours the party would last

To determine how many hours the party would last within the budget, we need to establish an inequality using the given information.

Let's assume that the cost per hour for the party is represented by "C". We can then write the inequality as:

C * H ≤ $400

where H represents the number of hours the party would last.

To find the number of hours the party would last, we need to solve this inequality.

Let's assume the cost per hour is $X. We can substitute X into the inequality:

X * H ≤ $400

Now, to solve for H, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate H. Divide both sides of the inequality by X:

H ≤ $400 / X

Now, the value of X is not provided, so we can't determine the exact number of hours the party would last. However, if we are given the cost per hour, we can substitute it into the inequality to find the maximum number of hours.

For example, if the cost per hour is $40, we can substitute X = $40:

H ≤ $400 / $40
H ≤ 10

This means that with a cost of $40 per hour, the party would last a maximum of 10 hours within Mrs. Lucida's budget of $400.