choose the analogy who's relationship best resembles the relationship as the analogy in capitol letters.

a. sporadic: constant
b. naughty:malevolent
c. blue:azure
d. prudent: careful

I believe its A( I might be wrong, I am really sorry if I am), its type of analogie is Degree.

The answer is definitely not A. Those are antonyms.

Bree -- please take the advice I posted for you earlier.

To determine the analogy that best resembles the relationship between STRANGE:GROTESQUE, we need to understand the relationship between the two words.

The word "strange" means unusual or unfamiliar, while "grotesque" means extremely ugly or distorted. The relationship between these two words is that "grotesque" is an extreme or intensified version of "strange," with an added negative connotation.

Now let's examine the given answer choices:

a. sporadic: constant - This analogy does not capture the same relationship as STRANGE:GROTESQUE. "Sporadic" and "constant" represent different types of occurrences, not an extreme version of one another.

b. naughty: malevolent - This analogy does not capture the same relationship as STRANGE:GROTESQUE. "Naughty" and "malevolent" may both have negative connotations, but they do not represent an extreme version of each other.

c. blue: azure - This analogy does not capture the same relationship as STRANGE:GROTESQUE. "Blue" and "azure" are different shades of the same color, not an extreme version of one another.

d. prudent: careful - This analogy captures the same relationship as STRANGE:GROTESQUE. "Prudent" and "careful" both represent a sense of cautiousness or thoughtfulness, with "prudent" being an intensified or extreme version of "careful."

Therefore, the correct answer is d. prudent: careful.